"This is good stuff."

Friday, October 15, 2004

Steve Bell!

It was wrong, I wasn't, Blair insists
October 14 2004: Tony Blair yesterday offered a crowded House of Commons his most direct apology yet for deficiencies in the intelligence dossiers he presented to MPs to help justify the invasion of Iraq in March 2003. Guardian Unlimited Politics Special report: Iraq

Bush's best is not good enough October 15, Sidney Blumenthal: His story is only of war. At home, he offers merely evasion and denial. Special report: US elections 2004

Peace, I say!
El Roto, octubre 1-15, 2004

01 -> —How is it possible that those who wrote the Gospels forgot about subsidies to the Church?! —There must be pages missing

02 -> —I'm gonna try and kick my petroleum habit —I tried and couldn't

03 -> The Facade

04 -> —In Language they're teaching us to read ads and write orders —And in Math we're learning how to ask for a loan

05 -> "Pinochet undergoes a mental health test" —Test them while they're in office!

06 -> "The health system has delays of up to 11 months for mammogram tests" —It's quicker and more efficient for them to do autopsies

07 -> —One at a time they appear to be immigrants, but when they get into groups they sure do look like an invasion!

08 -> —I'm a social guide! Can somebody tell me where I am?

09 -> —We will support development in the third world! —Alright, but not too much, because then they'll take away the oil

10 -> "Christian Heritage"

11 -> —Before I was the dominant male but we've been democratized and now I'm the secretary general

12 -> —History should be studied in Medicine, as a specialty in traumatology

13 -> —To meet the demand for justice we'll increase the production of laws


15 -> —Sell them arms and then bomb them for having arms


Thursday, October 14, 2004

oh yeh:

Ted Rall!

Martin Rowson says:
Nothing but hope October 11 2004: The Bush doctrine is not a credible foreign policy, writes Peter Galbraith. Special report: Iraq
let's see if this works:

if it doesn't, go here.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

ah! sweet, innocent youth!
yes! you, too, can get cartoons like this in your email. clickity!

It doesn't hurt to be reminded now and then.

Steve Bell!

TV channels to rubbish Kerry on eve of poll October 12 2004: One of America's biggest TV companies has announced plans to air a film that portrays Democratic candidate John Kerry as betraying his fellow soldiers in Vietnam. Special report: US elections 2004


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