"This is good stuff."

Friday, October 03, 2003

"Every year I catch one of those colds that practically kill you, just to piss off the boss"
"Well done! Eff'im!"

Thursday, October 02, 2003

"We're on the Pro-Nuclear Campaign, please excuse the blackouts"

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

hey wow check out WAR IN IRAQ CARTOONS
"We will accept all religious beliefs but all within only one economic belief, naturally"

"... mercury in fish, ..."
"You have to choose between malnutrition or poisoning"
wow! does this look/sound familiar!

from the This Modern World 1990 Archive, in the 1990s section

Monday, September 29, 2003


"The Hidden"

"Soon we'll be able to detect future terrorists before they're born"

More "Tom Toles by Tom Toles"

drawnby archive