Cleaner 1: "Between remarks that are either insolent, stupid or insulting, there's no time for a break here"
Cleaner 2: "Didn't you want to work at the Moncloa, wise guy?"
Joe: "Aznar will be the 'ex' most satisfied to have known himself in history."
Suit: "Self criticism is only for ex reds/pinkos/commies."
"Manuscript found at Guernica
Victims won't resurrect their dead.
Terrorist won't be able to wipe the blood off of their hands.
Politicians won't recover the time for peacemaking that has been lost.
And so on, so long as tomorrow comes (God willing),
Poor victims, obtuse terrorists, inept politicans."
Maragall: "If they had caught you with ETA's leadership...I'd be exiled in Andorra now...Zapatero would be in Carrillo's hole...and you with an orange outfit, dragged by two marines in Guantanamo, lunkhead!"
Carod Rovira: "You forget that I was the head of state/government of a great Mediterranean power and we were in our French provinces"
¡El Roto!
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