Here are
El País' editorial cartoons from this past weekend plus today...
"I don't know why you're presenting yourselves for the elections: we have what it
TVakes to win..."
Hair: "The empire of the law is not the same as the law of the empire"
Shave: "?Tell me who you vote for and I'll tell you whose accomplice you are?"
"Most curious: according to this poll, if the elections were to be held today, you'd have a trip, Mary Jane..."
Joe: "It appears there's a stampede of multinational corporations."
Suit: "Do you know what the going rate per kilo of a third world worker is?
Skip: "There's been one work accident per day so far in this year."
Chip: "And there's no remedy nor warning signs stating that working is dangerous to your health."
Lady: "The only difference between Sharon and Sadam is that Sharon is still in power."
Cowboy: "Yes. He's a son of a ... but he's our favorite son."
"The bad thing about bringing liberty to Iraq is that they use it to tell you to leave."
"This is where the universe ends."
"Zapatero won't govern if he gets one vote less than the PP. Chaves won't either. The barons and the top management support this fabulous match. And I, as a militant on the ground level, join with my fellow party members and I feel their pain."
¡El Roto!
"A few drops of fear won't hurt to help consolidate democracies"
"Miracle at the Vatican"
Ma: "Children who are nurtured on television grow up healthy and strong"
Kid: "Mommy! Mommy! What show do we have for lunch today?!"