[Sorry, chums, I don't get it!]
PSOE guy: "The PP plays dirty!"
Joe: "That's normal in politics."
PSOE guy: "But really, really dirty."
Joe: "But really, really normal."
CNI=Spanish secret service, Moncloa=Spanish presidential palace, Archivo Histórico Nacional=National Historical Archive
Zapatero: "You have to appear at the parliament to explain the actions of the CNI in the 'Rovira Case'"
Aznar: "Talk to the hand"
Zapatero: "You have to explain the lies about the weapons of mass destruction"
Rajoy: "We don't want to interfere in the CIA's investigation"
¡El Roto!
Gal: "Who needs chemical or biological warfare when we've got fast (trash) food!"
Dad: "C'mon kids! Eat this up before it blows up!"
You're welcome
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